The Full Story
The 'Biotics

Prebiotic Benefits
Broo Biotik Soda's Prebiotics are the powdered resin of the acacia tree and inulin powder from chicory root. Acacia Gum is the resin of the Acacia Senegalia Tree called ''Tears of Gold'' by local harvesters. It grows in tropical to subtropical regions like Sudan, Senegal, India, and Australia. It has been harvested and used to improve intestinal, digestive and other conditions for centuries in civilizations across the world. Our source of Acacia tree sap is 100% pure, and organic, without added preservatives.
It is an excellent prebiotic that ferments in the intestines, promoting the growth of ‘friendly’ microorganisms that contribute to gut and bowel health. A Biotic Revolution with prebiotic benefits for crafting a soda alternative with gut-health benefits, Broo is the new Probiotic & Prebiotic Fermented drink - a tasty natural water kefir for your keto diet, inspired by the remedies used by ancient cultures and natives that have been brewing kombucha and kvass.

The sap from the majestic Acacia senegalia tree